Welcome to The Aligned Community

Cyclical living and slow business support for gentle rebels. How can we help you grow this season?

About Us

We're a small, friendly community focussed on slowing down, tuning into nature, our bodies, and our values. Using natural cycles to guide us - menstrual, lunar and seasonal - we're rebelling against "business as usual" and supporting each other as we build businesses that work for us.

We offer both business support (virtual co-working, private mentoring, educational workshops, seasonal planning sessions, etc!), and support your well-being and encourage community care with regular prompts to tune into ourselves, rest, and take intentional action in the world around us. 

The results you'll see...

  • Members feel calmer and less overwhelmed.
  • They feel less lonely and more connected to others.
  • Menstruating members have even been able to improve PMS and start enjoying their cycles thanks to our regular check ins and realigning their energy with their plans.
  • Members feel clearer on their business direction and find it easier to tune out of the capitalist, hustle culture that was leading them to burn out.

“Without this cyclical way of living, (which has really come together since joining the space), my ideas and intuition are harder to come by. It’s one thing to cycle track but quite another to bring together and embody a different way of living completely — it often feels radical; yet a design for living that really works and one I wish to embody so that it’s attractive to others.

I hope many folks get to meet and experience this community I’ve been fortunate enough to find and become part of.” - Louise